Pediatric anesthesiology 2016 reviews
Session III: AAP Session
Reviewed by Cheryl K. Gooden, MD
Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center
Bronx, NY
AAP Robert M. Smith Award Presentation
The Robert M. Smith Award is presented annually at the SPA/AAP Winter Meeting in recognition of the remarkable contributions of an individual to the subspecialty of pediatric anesthesiology. As background information, the first award was presented back in 1986 by the AAP Section on Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine to honor Dr. Smith for his numerous contributions to both the fields of pediatrics and pediatric anesthesiology. Each year, a list of nominees is solicited and then reviewed by the AAP Section on Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Nominations Committee.
Lynne Gerson Maxwell, MD is the 2016 recipient of the American Academy of Pediatrics Robert M. Smith Award. Dr. Maxwell’s contributions to the field of pediatric anesthesiology were highlighted during the award ceremony. She is noted as a leader in pediatric anesthesiology and pain medicine. Dr. Maxwell has greater than 100 publications between journals and book chapters. She has spent much of her career at Johns Hopkins. In 2002, she joined the staff at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), where her career continues to flourish. Dr. Maxwell has served an active role on various committees for SPA, ASA and the AAP Section on Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine. She is a consultant to the FDA/NICHD of off-patent drugs aligning with the Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act and also for the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research workshop in clinical trials of analgesics. In addition, she finds time to be involved in medical missions. Dr. Maxwell is a role model and mentor for many of us. This is a well-deserved honor, and Dr. Maxwell is to be congratulated as the recipient of this prestigious award.
AAP Advocacy Lecture – In the Aftermath of Crisis: Supporting Children, Families, and Ourselves
David J. Schonfeld, MD (University of Southern California and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles) presented an overview of the impact of crisis and supportive measures to employ following crisis. The objectives of his presentation were to examine how to support children after a crisis, symptoms of adjustment reactions, the timeline for adjustment, and professional self-care.
Dr. Schonfeld highlighted the terminology, “psychological first aid” and the need for the support staff to promote good coping skills that will be quite useful in the healing process for children. First, he explained that it is important for the staff to provide “broadly to those impacted.” Second, Dr. Schonfeld emphasized the requirement for staff to “understand likely reactions and how to help children cope.” Finally, the aftermath of crisis requires staff that can assist and support children. Unnecessary further suffering occurs when these resources are lacking.
Dr. Schonfeld explored the “basic needs” following crisis. The basic needs are defined as safety, security, food, shelter, communication and reunification with family. Support for those impacted by the crisis is essential. Equally important is that the staff also have their basic needs met.
He examined the range of reactions and concerns associated with crisis. Of note, there are a wide range of reactions. These reactions are not just limited to post-traumatic stress disorder. Other reactions to crisis that must be considered are bereavement, secondary losses and stressors. In addition, it is important to note that the current crisis can evoke feelings associated with a prior crisis.
The final part of Dr. Schonfeld’s presentation focused on the importance of professional self-care. He emphasized the need to ensure that the staff manage their own personal needs and also recognize the impact of supporting children who have experienced crisis. Strategies and techniques must be acquired by the professional that will address the issue of self-care.
Here are several website resources that are recommended by Dr. Schonfeld:
- National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement - Coalition to Support Grieving Students - AAP Children and Disasters - Coping and Adjustment