MOCA Sim & New Workshops

MOCA Simulation and NEW Workshops

MOCA Simulation @ SPA


  • Offer a contextual learning opportunity to assess and improve their practice in areas such as crisis management in a simulation setting at an ASA-endorsed activity.
  • Realistically recreate challenging clinical cases to allow participants to problem‐solve in a manner that is similar to actual clinical experience.
  • Provide an opportunity for physicians to improve their skills in Practice-Based Learning and Improvement. 

ABA diplomats must complete multiple activities over their 10-year MOCA cycle to demonstrate that they are participating in evaluation of their clinical practice and their engagement in practice improvement activities. In MOCA 2.0, diplomats must earn 25 points per five-year period for a total of 50 points during the 10-year MOCA cycle. Successful completion of the MOCA Simulation @ SPA activity will fulfill 25 points (ALL) of the required Part 4 activities for a five-year period.  

NEW Workshops 

Lessons from the Trenches: Reflections on Achieving Work-Life Balance

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand Maslach's inventory and symptoms of burnout
  • Articulate how work impacts family life.
  • Gain insight into the importance of assessing your family and work situation on a regular basis.
  • Begin a discussion about work life balance that will continue beyond.

We work hard for a decade following college to develop the skills necessary to become accomplished pediatric anesthesiologists. As we finish training and enter our professional life, we discover the challenges in balancing work and all of the other demands of our lives: financial obligations, relationships, children, ill parents, career accomplishments and career disappointments.

This workshop will focus on these challenges, and others identified by the participants, through a structured deconstruction of life events and work challenges. Insights into what has been found helpful, and pitfalls to avoid, will be elicited through small group discussions and then shared with the larger group.


  • Linda Babcock; Ask for it
  • Arun Saini; Work–Life Balance: Keep the Cycle Moving – Find a Purpose, Set Priorities, and Manage Time Well Then Reassess and Reset
  • Sheryl Sandberg; Lean In

  • Anne Marie Slaughter: “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All”, The Atlantic Monthly July/August 2012

Point of Care Ultrasound

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the clinical applications on point-of-care ultrasound, in particular, its use in the perioperative setting and relevance to anesthesia practice.
  • Provide an overview of selected focused transthoracic echocardiography protocols.
  • Review the role of focused transthoracic ultrasound in cardiac assessment lung/pleura evaluation, and fluid status determination.
  • Acquire hands-on training on transthoracic echocardiography with an emphasis on imaging views used in the perioperative evaluation of cardiopulmonary function (for this purpose the workshop will use models and echocardiography simulator).

Professionalism Workshop

This workshop is intended for Pediatric Anesthesia Leadership Council Members, Pediatric Anesthesia Program Directors Association Members, and/or faculty leaders interested in the principles of professionalism and the development of a professionalism development curriculum for faculty and trainees. (If you attended the Professionalism Course in Dallas in 2015, you will receive an invitation to the Advanced Professionalism workshop.)

Through interactive sessions on Communication and Physician Wellness, this workshop will both teach the principles of professionalism and provide the initial tools necessary to build a local professionalism curriculum.  Following the completion of this learning activity, the attendee will:


  • Learn common sources of conflict and explore strategies for resolution.
  • Participate in interactive sessions on difficult conversations and delivering feedback.
  • Learn common causes of stress and burnout and explore strategies for building resilience and limiting stress.

Physician Wellness

  • Develop a deeper understanding of identifying and working with the impaired physician.
  • Explore the concepts of the second and third victims.


The Medical Malpractice Moment: Defending the Doctor at Deposition

Upon completion of the workshop, the participant will be able to:

  • Describe the integral concepts and legal strategies inherent to medical malpractice cases.
  • Understand the benefits of disclosure and avoidance of malpractice claims.
  • Describe those qualities that make an ideal witness in a medical malpractice case.
  • Discuss preparation techniques for a deposition or trial testimony.


