
The Scientific Program is listed by day. Use the tabs below to navigate.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Committee Meetings
9:00 – 11:30 AMCOMMITTEE: SPA Executive Committee
Location: Broadmoor Hall C
12:00 – 5:00 PMCOMMITTEE: SPA Board of Directors
Location: Broadmoor Hall C
Thursday, March 31, 2016
6:00 – 5:00 PMRegistration
Location: Broadmoor Hall Prefunction
12:00 – 1:00 PMCOMMITTEE: Pediatric Hemostasis
Location: Columbine (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
3:00 – 7:00 PMWORKSHOP: Perioperative Pediatric Advanced Life Support Simulation
Stephanie Black MD, EdM; Kimberly R. Blasius MD; Rebecca E. Claure MD; Harshad G. Gurnaney MBBS, MPH; Anita Honkanen MD, FAAP; Alexander K. Hughes MD; Jill E. Kilkelly MD; Elaine K. Ng MD, FRCPC, MSHPE; Radhamangalam J. Ramamurthi MD, FRCA; Devika Singh MD; Eric T. Stickles MD; Jennifer Wagner MD; Scott C. Watkins MD; David A. Young MD, MEd, MBA; Laura N. Zeigler MD, MPH, FAAP; John Zhong MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Rocky Mountain - Broadmoor West
4:30 – 6:30 PMWORKSHOP: Integrating Acupuncture in Pediatric Perioperative Care and Pain Medicine
Brenda Golianu MD; Yuan-Chi Lin MD, MPH; Rosalie Tassone MD, MPH; Cynthia Tung MD; Shu-Ming Wang MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall F
4:30 – 7:30 PMWORKSHOP: Advanced Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia
Tarun Bhalla MD, MBA, FASA, FAAP; Adrian T. Bosenberg MB, ChB, FFA; Candice M. Burrier MD; Arjunan Ganesh MBBS; Martha B. Pankovich MD; Madhankumar Sathyamoorthy MBBS, MS, MBA; Amod Sawardekar MD, MBA; Ravi D. Shah MD; Benjamin J. Walker MD
Learning Objectives
Location: West Ballroom A (Broadmoor West)
Committee Meetings
Location: Columbine (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
5:00 – 6:00 PMCOMMITTEE: SPA Nominating Committee
Location: Show Office B (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
6:00 – 7:00 PMCOMMITTEE: PRAN Steering Committee
Location: Schreyvogel (Broadmoor South)
7:00 – 8:00 PMCOMMITTEE: PRAN Investigators/All Centers
Location: Schreyvogel (Broadmoor South)
7:00 – 9:00 PMCOMMITTEE: AAP Section on Anesthesiology and Pain Management Executive Committee
Location: Marketing Boardroom (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
Friday, April 1, 2016
6:00 – 5:30 PMRegistration
Location: Broadmoor Hall Prefunction
6:30 – 7:45 AMCOMMITTEE: CCAS-STS Database
Location: Columbine (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
PBLDs 1-16
6:30 – 7:40 AMPBLD 1: 12-year-old male 'allergic to narcotics' for rotator cuff repair in an ambulatory surgery center: pediatric regional anesthesia controversies
Trevor Adams MD; Sean Flack MBChB, FCA
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall ABC
6:30 – 7:40 AMPBLD 2: Let's Get Maximally Invasive: Neonatal laparoscopic surgery, the American College of Surgeons and a Case of Massive Gas Embolism
Alyssa Burgart MD, MA; Anita Honkanen MD, FAAP
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall ABC
6:30 – 7:40 AMPBLD 3: An Eye Opening Experience: Hardware Removal Resulting in Fixed and Dilated Pupils and an Emergency Craniotomy!
Rose Campise-Luther MD; Christina D. Diaz MD, FASA, FAAP
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall ABC
6:30 – 7:40 AMPBLD 4: Gastrostomy on a 4 week old, status-post Norwood: Who should captain the ship and how should it be sailed?
Christopher Heine MD; John S. Walton MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall ABC
6:30 – 7:40 AMPBLD 5: Urgent MRI for an infant with daily emesis and weakness
Cathleen R. Lammers MD; John K. Liu MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall ABC
6:30 – 7:40 AMPBLD 6: Really, do I have to cover the cath lab today?
Pablo Motta MD; Ashraf Resheidat MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall ABC
6:30 – 7:40 AMPBLD 7: Elevated PTT - postpone this craniofacial surgery? No! My next available surgical date is in two months!
Rebecca Evans MD; Grace Hsu MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall ABC
6:30 – 7:40 AMPBLD 8: Oxygen pipeline contamination in radiation oncology suite
Dante Cerza MD; Julia A. Galvez Delgado MD, MBI, FASA
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall ABC
6:30 – 7:40 AMPBLD 9: Asthma, an Appendectomy, and a Cardiac Arrest: Anesthetic Management of Intra-operative Bronchospasm
Thomas J. Mancuso MD, FAAP; Laura Rhee MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall ABC
6:30 – 7:40 AMPBLD 10: A simple anesthetic for a 4-year-old boy for an EGD complicated by multiple parental demands
Anna E. Jankowska MD; Joanna Rothstein MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall ABC
6:30 – 7:40 AMPBLD 11: Our guidelines say NO PROPOFOL in a patient with egg allergy. And by the way, my patient has MH
Patrick Fernandez MD; Scott D. Markowitz MD, MSOL, FAAP
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall ABC
6:30 – 7:40 AMPBLD 12: What a Shock: A Young Man with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Presents for Lithotripsy at Your Outpatient Surgery Center!
Bridget L. Muldowney MD; Lana Volz MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall ABC
6:30 – 7:40 AMPBLD 13: When the preoperative plan of a difficult airway goes beyond the difficult airway algorithm
Andrea S. Huang MD; Vanessa Ng MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall ABC
6:30 – 7:40 AMPBLD 14: Why did a 14-year old scheduled for laparoscopic, possible open appendectomy for ruptured appendix decompensate after induction?
James J. Mooney MD; Uma R. Parekh MBBS, FRCA
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall ABC
6:30 – 7:40 AMPBLD 15: What do you Mean There's Only One Big Tube? A PBLD on High Grade Laryngotracheal Clefts
Jonathan Jerman MD; Neil Raj Singhal MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall ABC
6:30 – 7:40 AMPBLD 16: Anesthesia Care in the Internet Age: Have it Your Way?
Jonathan D. Griswold MD; Cornelius A. Sullivan MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall ABC
6:45 – 7:45 AMBreakfast with Exhibitors
Location: Broadmoor Hall B
7:00 – 7:45 AMCoffee with Posters
Location: Broadmoor Hall C, D, E & F
7:45 – 8:00 AMWelcome and Outline of Educational Program
Rita Agarwal MD, FAAP; Kirk Lalwani MBBS, FRCA, MCR; Shobha Malviya MD, FAAP
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
Session I: Regional Anesthesia - "Comfortably Numb"
Moderator: Yuan-Chi Lin MD, MPH
8:00 – 8:30 AMNeuraxial Anesthetic Adjuvants
Tony Yaksh PhD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
8:30 – 9:00 AMNeonatal Spinals and Caudals
Robert K. Williams MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
9:00 – 9:30 AMThoracic and Abdominal Blocks
Giovanni Cucchiaro MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
9:30 – 9:45 AMDiscussion
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
9:45 – 10:15 AMCoffee Break with Exhibitors
Location: Broadmoor Hall B
9:45 – 10:15 AMCoffee Break with Posters
Location: Broadmoor Hall C, D, E & F
Session II: High and Dry in the Centennial State
Moderator: Peter J. Davis MD
10:15 – 10:55 AMAltitude Medicine
David M. Polaner MD, FAAP
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
10:55 – 11:35 AMExercise Physiology
Michael J. Joyner MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
11:35 – 11:45 AMDiscussion
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
11:00 – 1:00 PMCOMMITTEE: CCAS Section Board of Directors
Location: Colorado Hall F
11:45 – 1:15 PMLUNCH with Exhibitors/Posters
Location: Broadmoor Hall B, C, D, E & F
Session III: AAP Session
Moderator: Courtney A. Hardy MD, MBA, FAAP
1:15 – 1:30 PMAAP Robert M. Smith Presentation - Lynne Gerson Maxwell MD, FAAP
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
1:30 – 2:30 PMAAP Advocacy Lecture - In the Aftermath of Crisis: Supporting Children, Families, and Ourselves
Admin Admin MD, PhD; David J. Schonfeld MD, FAAP
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
Session IV: Cardiac Refresher "The Rhythm is Gonna Get You"
Moderator: Suanne M. Daves MD
2:30 – 2:50 PMAnesthesia for Patients with the Long QT Syndrome
Richard J. Ing MD, MB, BCh
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
2:50 – 3:10 PMPerioperative Management of Pacemakers and ICDs
Manchula Navaratnam MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
3:10 – 3:30 PMECMO Primer
Todd J. Kilbaugh MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
3:30 – 3:45 PMDiscussion
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
Committee Meetings
3:30 – 6:00 PMCOMMITTEE: Pediatric Anesthesia Leadership Council (PALC)
Location: Crystal Room (Broadmoor Main)
3:30 – 4:30 PMCOMMITTEE: CCAS Communication Committee
Location: Astor (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
3:30 – 5:30 PMCOMMITTEE: SPA Committee on International Education & Service
Location: Colorado Hall F
3:30 – 4:30 PMCOMMITTEE: SPPM Research Committee
Location: Show Office B (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
3:30 – 4:30 PMCOMMITTEE: SPPM Communications Committee
Location: Centennial (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
4:30 – 6:30 PMCOMMITTEE: SPA Improvement Network (SPAIN)
Location: Columbine (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
4:30 – 6:30 PMCOMMITTEE: SPPM Education Committee Meeting
Location: Larkspur (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
4:30 – 5:30 PMCOMMITTEE: GAS
Location: Remington (Broadmoor South)
5:00 – 6:30 PMCOMMITTEE: SIG - Biomedical Informatics & Technology
Location: Astor (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
3:45 – 4:00 PMCoffee Break
Location: Broadmoor Hall Prefunction
3:45 – 6:45 PMWORKSHOP: Research Workshop
R. Blaine Easley MD; Richard J. Levy MD, FAAP; Olubukola O. Nafiu MD, FRCA, MS; Olutoyin Olutoye MD, M.Sc, FAAP; Jerome Parness MD, PhD, FAAP
Learning Objectives
Location: Schreyvogel- Broadmoor South
3:45 – 6:45 PMWORKSHOP: Advanced Techniques for Peripheral Vascular Access
Franklin B. Chiao MD; Andrea Dutoit MD; Paul J. Fronapfel MD; Julia A. Galvez Delgado MD, MBI, FASA; Dawit T. Haile MD; Jessica Lorenz MD; Scott D. Markowitz MD, MSOL, FAAP; Marc Mecoli MD; Shannon Peters MD; Gregory J. Schears MD; Kim Strupp MD; Premal Trivedi MD; Robert T. Wilder MD, PhD; Luis M. Zabala MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall DE
3:45 – 6:45 PMWORKSHOP: Advanced Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia
Tarun Bhalla MD, MBA, FASA, FAAP; Adrian T. Bosenberg MB, ChB, FFA; Arjunan Ganesh MBBS; Nishanthi Kandiah MD; Justin B. Long MD, MHI, FAAP; Nihar V. Patel MD; Amod Sawardekar MD, MBA; Benjamin J. Walker MD; Nicholas R. Wasson MD
Learning Objectives
Location: West Ballroom A (Broadmoor West)
3:45 – 6:45 PMWORKSHOP: Transthoracic Echocardiography (TTE)
Thomas M. Burch MD; James A. DiNardo MD; Matthew Jolley MD; Wanda C. Miller-Hance MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall C
3:45 – 6:45 PMWORKSHOP: Difficult Pediatric Airway
Ellen Choi MD; Cheryl K. Gooden MD, FAAP; Pete G. Kovatsis MD; Jennifer Lam DO; Justin L. Lockman MD, MSEd, FAAP; Maria Matuszczak MD; Bridget L. Muldowney MD; Raymond Park MD; Vikram P. Patel MD, MBBS; David M. Polaner MD, FAAP; Peter M. Popic MD; Madhankumar Sathyamoorthy MBBS, MS, MBA; Peter Szmuk MD; Christopher G. Ward MD; Jennifer Zieg MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall AB
Session V-1: The ABC of CAB-Circulation, Airway, Breathing
Moderator: John Fiadjoe MD
4:00 – 4:30 PMREFRESHER COURSE: PALS/Resuscitation Update
Jennifer K. Lee-Summers MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
Session V-2: The ABC of CAB-Circulation, Airway, Breathing - Difficult Airway Debate: Three Strikes and You're In!
Moderator: John Fiadjoe MD
4:30 – 4:45 PMAll I need is an LMA
Narasimhan Jagannathan MD, MBA
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
4:45 – 5:00 PMLights, Camera, Action!
Jamie M. Peyton MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
5:00 – 5:15 PMFiberoptics are Fun
Thomas L. Shaw MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
5:15 – 5:45 PMRebuttals, Audience Response Questions, and Discussion
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
5:45 – 7:45 PMReception with Exhibitors
Location: Broadmoor Hall B
Saturday, April 2, 2016
6:00 – 8:00 AMCOMMITTEE: SPA Education Committee
Location: Colorado Hall DE
6:30 – 5:00 PMRegistration
Location: Broadmoor Hall Prefunction
PBLDs 17-24
6:50 – 8:00 AMPBLD 17: A teenager with Factor V Leiden for pectus excavatum repair: navigating recommendations for testing, thrombotic risk and post-operative pain management
Dinesh K. Choudhry MD, DA, FRCA; Malgorzata S. Lutwin-Kawalec MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
6:50 – 8:00 AMPBLD 18: Emergent craniotomy in a neonate?! And she just had heart surgery?!
Amy M. Babb MD; Jimmy Windsor MD, FAAP
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
6:50 – 8:00 AMPBLD 19: My head hurts!: An Unusual Post-Dural Puncture Headache and Epidural Blood Patch Reaction.
Adam Broussard MD, FASA, FAAP; Franklyn P. Cladis MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
6:50 – 8:00 AMPBLD 20: Differential diagnosis of delayed emergence in the neonate
Arvind Chandrakantan MD, FAAP; Peggy A. Seidman MD, FAAP
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
6:50 – 8:00 AMPBLD 21: Transfusion-related cardiac arrest of a prone-position toddler with Apert syndrome undergoing craniosynostosis repair
Jamey Eklund MD; Polina Voronov MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
6:50 – 8:00 AMPBLD 22: Demystifying the palliated heart - emergent exploratory laparotomy in a patient post bidirectional Glenn shunt
Robert B. Bryskin MD; Katrin Post-Martens MD, MHS
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
6:50 – 8:00 AMPBLD 23: Tracheal Resection & Reconstruction, as scary as it sounds?
Neha Patel MD; Kristin L. Richards MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
6:50 – 8:00 AMPBLD 24: Persistent leak after ligation of tracheoesophageal fistula - where is the air coming from?
Martina Gomez Downard MD, FASA; J. Michael Sroka MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
Location: Columbine (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
7:00 – 8:00 AMContinental Breakfast with Exhibitors
Location: Broadmoor Hall B
7:00 – 8:00 AMContinental Breakfast with Posters
Location: Broadmoor Hall C, D, E & F
Session I: Quality and Safety Panel
Moderator: Lynn D. Martin MD, MBA, FAAP
8:00 – 8:40 AMTypes of Cognitive Errors
Marjorie Stiegler MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
8:40 – 9:15 AMMaking Connections in the OR
Ronald S Litman DO
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
9:15 – 9:30 AMDiscussion
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
9:30 – 10:00 AMCoffee Break with Exhibitors
Location: Broadmoor Hall B
9:30 – 10:00 AMCoffee Break with Posters
Location: Broadmoor Hall C, D, E & F
Session II: Poster Presentations and Awards
10:00 – 10:45 AMOral Presentations and Abstract Awards
Kirk Lalwani MBBS, FRCA, MCR; Joseph D. Tobias MD, FAAP
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
10:45 – 12:15 PMWalk Around Posters/Discussion Sessions
Moderator: Carlos Javier Campos Lopez MD, FAAP; Moderator: Nathaniel Greene MD, MBA, MHS, FAAP; Moderator: Narasimhan Jagannathan MD, MBA; Moderator: Wanda C. Miller-Hance MD; Moderator: Philip G. Morgan MD; Moderator: Olubukola O. Nafiu MD, FRCA, MS; Moderator: Jerome Parness MD, PhD, FAAP; Moderator: David M. Polaner MD, FAAP; Moderator: Alan R Tait PhD; Moderator: Susan T. Verghese MD; Moderator: Mehernoor F. Watcha MD
Location: Broadmoor Hall C, D, E & F
12:00 – 2:00 PMCOMMITTEE: SPPM Board of Directors Meeting
Location: Colorado Hall F
12:15 – 1:30 PMCOMMITTEE: SPA Quality & Safety Committee
Location: Remington (Broadmoor South)
12:15 – 1:30 PMLunch on Own
Session III: AAP Ask the Experts Panel: Cutaneous Conditions
Moderator: Rita Agarwal MD, FAAP
1:30 – 2:00 PMEpidermolysis Bullosa
Louise K. Furukawa MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
2:00 – 2:30 PMBurns: Management and Complications
Kenneth T. Furukawa MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
2:30 – 2:45 PMCoffee Break
Location: Broadmoor Hall Prefunction
Session IV: In A Hormonal Fog: Anesthesia and Endocrine Disorders
Moderator: Inger Aliason MD
2:45 – 3:20 PMPerioperative Management of Pituitary Surgery- DI/SIADH/CSW
Edward C. Nemergut MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
3:20 – 3:40 PMAnesthetic Management of Thyroid Disease
Julie Williamson DO
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
3:40 – 4:00 PMSteroid Therapy and a Stress Dose of Steroids
Daniel Roke MD, MBA
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
4:00 – 4:15 PMDiscussion
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
Committee Meetings
3:00 – 4:00 PMCOMMITTEE: SPA Communications Committee
Location: Astor (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
Location: Crystal (Broadmoor Main)
3:00 – 4:30 PMCOMMITTEE: SIG - Pediatric Liver & Small Bowel Transplantation
Location: Centennial (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
4:00 – 6:00 PMCOMMITTEE: Opioid Workgroup (Closed Group)
Location: Astor (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
5:00 – 6:00 PMCOMMITTEE: SPA Membership and Finance Committees
Location: Show Office B (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
5:00 – 6:00 PMCOMMITTEE: SIG - Residents & Fellows
Location: Centennial (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
5:00 – 6:00 PMCOMMITTEE: SIG Pediatric Craniofacial Collaborative Group (PCCG)
Location: Columbine (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
5:30 – 6:30 PMCOMMITTEE: SPA Research Committee
Location: Remington (Broadmoor South)
5:30 – 7:00 PMCOMMITTEE: SIG Pediatric Difficult Intubation Collaborative Group
Location: Larkspur (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
3:00 – 6:00 PMWORKSHOP: Difficult Pediatric Airway
Oleg Drozhinin MD; John Fiadjoe MD; Agnes I. Hunyady MD; Narasimhan Jagannathan MD, MBA; Patrick N. Olomu MD, FRCA; Raymond Park MD; Amish Patel MD; Vikram P. Patel MD, MBBS; Thomas L. Shaw MD; Lisa Sohn MD; Paul A. Stricker MD; Judit M. Szolnoki MD; Bistra Vlassakova MD; Olga Wolke MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall AB
3:00 – 6:00 PMWORKSHOP: Transesohageal Echo (TEE)
Thomas M. Burch MD; James A. DiNardo MD; Matthew Jolley MD; Wanda C. Miller-Hance MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall C
3:00 – 6:00 PMWORKSHOP: Advanced Techniques for Peripheral Vascular Access
Franklin B. Chiao MD; Andrea Dutoit MD; Paul J. Fronapfel MD; Julia A. Galvez Delgado MD, MBI, FASA; Dawit T. Haile MD; Jessica Lorenz MD; Scott D. Markowitz MD, MSOL, FAAP; Marc Mecoli MD; Shannon Peters MD; Gregory J. Schears MD; Kim Strupp MD; Premal Trivedi MD; Robert T. Wilder MD, PhD; Luis M. Zabala MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Colorado Hall DE
3:00 – 5:00 PMWORKSHOP: A Practical Approach to Quality Improvement and Performance Management
David W. Buck MD; Suanne M. Daves MD; Laura Schleelein MD; Imelda Tjia MD; Anna M. Varughese MD, MPH
Learning Objectives
Location: Schreyvogel - Broadmoor South
3:00 – 5:00 PMWORKSHOP: How to Design and Moderate an Effective PBLD
Carlos Javier Campos Lopez MD, FAAP; Kirk Lalwani MBBS, FRCA, MCR
Learning Objectives
Location: West Ballroom AB (Broadmoor West)
3:00 – 5:00 PMWORKSHOP: Fetal Interventions: The Potential, Pearls and Perils
Anne C. Boat MD; Linda Bulich MD; Debnath Chatterjee MD, FAAP; Olutoyin Olutoye MD, M.Sc, FAAP; Kha Tran MD
Learning Objectives
Location: West Ballroom C (Broadmoor West)
3:00 – 5:00 PMWORKSHOP: A Practical Approach to Creating a Pediatric Perioperative Surgical Home
Candice M. Burrier MD; Lynne R. Ferrari MD, FAAP; Anita Honkanen MD, FAAP; Wallis T. Muhly MD; Vidya T. Raman MD, MBA, FASA, FAAP; Kasia P. Rubin MD; Karen M. Thomson MD; Arlyne K. Thung MD; Joshua C. Uffman MD; Samuel Wald MD, MBA
Learning Objectives
Location: West Ballroom D (Broadmoor West)
PBLDs 25-32
4:20 – 5:30 PMPBLD 25: Intraoperative Death: Caring for the second victim
Heather A. Ballard MD; Richard M. Dsida MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
4:20 – 5:30 PMPBLD 26: Emergent non-cardiac surgery in a patient with congenital heart disease and WPW: perioperative management of acute hemoptysis and SVT
Jacob Christensen MD; Thomas Lockhart MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
4:20 – 5:30 PMPBLD 27: It's Shocking: Ventricular Tachycardia, Cardiogenic Shock, and Intracardiac Ablation on ECMO
Jamie M. Schwartz MD; Andrew T. Waberski MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
4:20 – 5:30 PMPBLD 28: Torsades in a 7 year old with congenital long QT syndrome: it's not just a mask anesthetic!
Priti G. Dalal MBBS, MD, FRCA; Padmani Dhar MD, MBBS
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
4:20 – 5:30 PMPBLD 29: Mayday! Acute Loss of Signals with Sky Rocketing Elevation of Liver Enzymes - Celiac Artery in Danger During Spine Distraction
Aysha Hasan MD; Sophie R. Pestieau MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
4:20 – 5:30 PMPBLD 30: PACU Coma: From Baclofen Pump to West African Witches and Wizards!
Wilson Chimbira MD, FRCA; Olubukola O. Nafiu MD, FRCA, MS
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
4:20 – 5:30 PMPBLD 31: An 11 Month Old Chokes On A Hair Bead: Important Clinical Factors in a Life or Death Situation
Kasra Razmjou MD; Sudha A. Ved MBBS
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
4:20 – 5:30 PMPBLD 32: Spinal Anesthesia for Pyloromyotomy: Voodoo or "Can do"?
Ann F.T. Lawrence DO; Emily L. Stebbins MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
Sunday, April 3, 2016
7:00 – 8:00 AMCOMMITTEE: SIG Simulation
Location: Columbine (Broadmoor Hall, Floor 2)
7:00 – 8:15 AMContinental Breakfast
Location: Broadmoor Hall Prefunction
PBLDs 33-42
7:00 – 8:10 AMPBLD 33: Neurologic decline after anesthesia in a patient with congenital hydrocephalus and mitochondrial disorder- Now she needs another surgery!
Sarah Ayoroa MD; Kirk Lalwani MBBS, FRCA, MCR
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
7:00 – 8:10 AMPBLD 34: Hypercapnia and Acidosis in a Neonatal Thorascopic Tracheo-esophageal Fistula Repair using High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation
Renata Miketic MD; Susan R. Staudt MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
7:00 – 8:10 AMPBLD 35: Toddlers and Button Batteries: A Deadly Combination
Monica A. Hoagland MD; Lena M. Mayes MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
7:00 – 8:10 AMPBLD 36: Inability to ventilate? Child with history of hypoplastic left heart syndrome for a laceration repair with undiagnosed plastic bronchitis
Ashish Gupta MD; Igor Tkachenko MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
7:00 – 8:10 AMPBLD 37: I Used Cocaine Yesterday But Please Don't Tell My Parents: Substance Abuse in a Teenager Prior to Upper Endoscopy
Nicole Dobija MD, DDS; Jeffrey Waldman MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
7:00 – 8:10 AMPBLD 38: The trifecta: Hip Arthroplasty in a Jehovah's Witness with Sickle Cell Disease, a real life scenario.
Lisa A. Gramlich MD; Shivani Thakkar MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
7:00 – 8:10 AMPBLD 39: It's just a G-tube - management of general anesthesia of a patient for gastrostomy tube placement with junctional epidermolysis bullosa
Peter H. Ma MD; Steven R. Tosone MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
7:00 – 8:10 AMPBLD 40: ENT can't intubate and you want to do a laparotomy in this preemie?
Nathaniel Greene MD, MBA, MHS, FAAP; Shelly Pecorella MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
7:00 – 8:10 AMPBLD 41: MH, difficult airway, now a pneumothorax- should we cancel the case?
Anna E. Jankowska MD; Neeta Singh MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
7:00 – 8:10 AMPBLD 42: "Mommy. Jeremy ate the blue candy. Now he is looking blue!" - An unexpected disaster in the laundry room!
Songyos Valairucha MD; Susan T. Verghese MD
Learning Objectives
Location: International Center South
7:00 – 8:10 AMCRNA PBLD 1: Repairing a broken back in someone with a broken heart: Anesthetic implications of posterior spinal fusion in a patient with an AICD
James Furstein PhD, CRNA, CPNP; Ali Kandil DO, MPH
Location: Broadmoor Hall C
7:00 – 8:10 AMCRNA PBLD 2: Intra-op Wake Up
Lauren Freedman CRNA; Amish Patel MD
Location: Broadmoor Hall C
7:00 – 8:10 AMCRNA PBLD 3: Emergent Lap Appy in an Obese Unrepaired Teenage Patient with Significant HOCM/SAS Disease
Pablo Motta MD; Elyse C. Parchmont DNP CRNA
Location: Broadmoor Hall C
Session I: Hot Topics
Jeffrey P. Morray MD
8:15 – 8:35 AMMOCA 2.0: An Update
Rupa Dainer MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
8:35 – 9:00 AMThe American College of Surgeons Standards for Children's Surgical Care
Jayant K. Deshpande MD, MPH, FAAP
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
9:00 – 9:15 AMDiscussion
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
CRNA Symposium
8:15 – 9:00 AMAnesthetic Challenges for Craniosynostosis Repair in Infancy
Jennifer P. Aunspaugh MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall D
9:00 – 9:45 AMEvidence Based Practice in Anesthesia
Terri D. Voepel-Lewis PhD, RN
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall D
9:45 – 10:00 AMBreak
Location: Broadmoor Hall Prefunction
10:00 – 10:45 AMThe Evolution of a Perioperative Surgical Home
Nihar V. Patel MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall D
10:45 – 11:30 AMBlood Loss and Therapy
Saeed M. Yacouby MSN, CRNA
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall D
Session II: Education - Teaching and Learning Across the Generational Gap
Moderator: Ira T. Cohen MD, MEd, FAAP
9:15 – 9:45 AMDebate: Millennials are unique; they need to be taught differently
Mary F. Landrigan-Ossar MD, PhD, FAAP, FASA; Jonathan M. Tan MD, MPH, MBI, FASA
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
9:45 – 10:15 AMTechnological Innovations for Teaching and Learning
Edward C. Nemergut MD
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
10:15 – 10:30 AMDiscussion
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
Session III: Jeopardy
10:45 – 11:45 AMJeopardy
Stuart R. Hall MD; Samuel Wald MD, MBA
Learning Objectives
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
11:45 – 12:00 PMEducational Summary
Location: Broadmoor Hall A
MOCA Simulation Course (Separate Registration Required)
11:30 – 7:00 PMMOCA Simulation @ SPA (separate registration required)
Aditee Ambardekar MD; Stephanie Black MD, EdM; Robert P. Brislin DO; Newton Buchanan; Ellen S. Deutsch MD, MS, FACS, F; James R. Eiszner MD; Harshad G. Gurnaney MBBS, MPH; Roberta L Hales MHA, RRT-NPS, RN; Rahul Koka MD, MPH; Dolores B. Njoku MD; Shivani K. Patel MD; Joanne E. Shay MD; Devika Singh MD; Pravin A. Taneja MD
Location: Divide I - Broadmoor West
Wake Up Safe
12:00 – 2:00 PMWake Up Safe Business Meeting
Location: Broadmoor Hall C
2:00 – 5:00 PMWake Up Safe Workshop
Location: Broadmoor Hall C
Monday, April 4, 2016
8:00 – 11:00 AMWake Up Safe Workshop
Location: Broadmoor Hall C

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