Instructions and Guidelines
Trainees and junior faculty are strongly encouraged to consult with a mentor prior to submitting an abstract.
Format for preparation and submission of abstract/poster for RESEARCH STUDIES:
Goal: To present a concise yet complete description of the study question, methodology and results. Sections below should be included for clarity. Each section in abstract should have one to three most relevant information for brevity; more details can be included in poster.
- Introduction and study question/aims/hypothesis- This should be clearly stated (may be divided into 2 sections if preferred)
- Methods - How was this performed? What was the study design? What was the study population? What were the primary and secondary outcome variables? How was data analyzed?
- Results - If table or figure is present, it is not necessary to restate the numbers in the text section - point out the big picture only.
- Discussion - What do the results mean? Why are they important? Does the data support or refute the stated hypothesis?
- Conclusions - One sentence will suffice
- References: 3-5 citations will suffice
Additional Information
Text: Please write in real English - avoid jargon, and use complete sentences and proper grammar. Use paragraph divisions for the sections - one long run-on paragraph is difficult to read.
Data: This is best presented, or augmented, by the inclusion of a table or figure. Ensure data is legible.
- Lack of data: Submission of research abstracts without data is not encouraged and is likely to get rejected. It is not acceptable to submit an abstract describing the research plan alone. The best chance of acceptance is granted only to submissions which include data and results.
Conclusions: Be cautious and reasonable, avoid the trap of the statement "safe and efficacious" when the study is not powered to make that statement. Similarly, a zero numerator demands the calculation of confidence intervals and great caution in interpretation.
Reporting Guidelines: The abstracts & posters must follow the EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) guidelines for reporting. Here are examples of commonly submitted categories:
- Randomized Controlled Studies - CONSORT guidelines
- Observational Studies - STROBE guidelines
- Quality Improvement Studies - SQUIRE 2.0 guidelines
- Systematic Reviews - PRISMA guidelines
If there are other study designs, the authors can refer to equator network at this website to determine the appropriate category of submission and match with the guidelines.
Format for preparation and submission of abstract/poster for CASE REPORTS OR MEDICALLY CHALLENGING CASES:
(Novel case reports with a discussion and lessons learned have higher chances of acceptance.)
The abstract/poster for case report should include (where pertinent):
- Introduction/background - Please include a brief overview of the problem the case report addresses. Essentially what was the ongoing issue in the case? What is the message for the reader?
- Learning objectives - What do you want the reader to gain after reading this case report?
- Body of case report - This must include:
- Patient demographic details
- History and presentation
- Physical exam findings
- Any laboratory test or special investigation results
- Preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative course where applicable
- Patient outcome
- Pictures, graphs, OR records, etc. where applicable (please ensure proper permission obtained).
- Conclusion and Lessons learnt - specify how the Case has changed your practice or resulted in additional pertinent research
- References (if any)
Please edit carefully for grammar and spelling. Please consider review with senior author/attending prior to presentation.
Rison RA. A A guide to writing case reports for the Journal of Medical Case Reports and BioMed Central Research Notes. J Med Case Rep. 2013;7:239. Published online 2013 Nov 27. doi: 10.1186/1752-1947-7-239. PMCID: PMC3879062. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
Submitting an Abstract Online
Click here for award eligibility information.
Click here for information about submitting for SPA, CCAS and/or SPPM Meetings.
The abstract submission process contains many steps. These steps should be completed in the order listed, although you can go back and edit information at any time. The steps do not have to be completed in one session.
**Do NOT submit any Abstract information in ALL CAPS (including the abstract title).
- Abstract Info (title, presentation style, topic area, and keywords)
- Author Info
- Author Info II
- Disclosure Statement (online form)
- Abstract Body
- Images*
- Preview Abstract
- Submit Abstract
Once an abstract is submitted, information cannot be edited.
The Body of the Abstract
The body of the abstract will be typed or pasted onto the online form.
References should be included at the end of the abstract body.
Character Limit: 3300 (to include Tables & References. Note: Additional files count as 300 characters each)
Additional Files
If you are submitting supplemental graphic files with your abstract, please convert them to jpeg format at a width no greater than 600 pixels. This includes:
- Charts
- Graphs
- Tables
- Photographs
- Slides
- Anything other than the text content of your abstract
Please note that supplemental files in formats other than jpeg will not be accepted.
Prior to submission: Proof read abstract and have an experienced colleague/mentor proof read and critique the abstract. This will improve the quality of the abstract and increase chances of acceptance.