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SPA/AAP Pediatric Anesthesiology 2007
Complete Abstract Listing
Saturday, March 10, 2007 - 8:35 - 8:50am
Fetal and Maternal Plasma Concentrations After Intraamniotic Fentanyl Administration in Instrumented Pregnant Sheep
Roland Brusseau, M.D., Shaun Kunisaki, M.D., Dario Fauza, M.D., Terry Buchmiller, M.D., Timothy Maher, Ph.D, Mark Bohlke, Ph.D, David Zurakowski, Ph.D, Laura B. Myers, M.D
Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School
Saturday, March 10, 2007 - 8:50 - 9:05am
Incidence of Perioperative Cardiac Arrest in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
SJ Gleich, TE Harrison, J Sprung, DR Schroeder, RP Flick
Department of Anesthesiology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota
Saturday, March 10, 2007 - 9:05 - 9:20am
Identification of a High Risk Subset of POCA Registrants: Potential Impact on Practice Recommendations for Successful Resuscitation
D Singh, RM Gross, C Monitto, E Heitmiller and DB Njoku
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Saturday, March 10, 2007 - 11:00am-12:30pm
Group 1 - Moderator - Joseph P. Cravero, MD
P1 - 11:00am-11:10am
Providers and Safety Performance of Propofol Sedation in the Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium
Joseph P. Cravero, M.D., George T. Blike, M.D., Susan M. Gallagher, B.S., Michael Beach, M.D., Ph.D., Pediatric Sedation Research Consortium
Affiliation(s): Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center.
P2 - 11:10am-11:20am
The Balanced Scorecard: A Multidimensional Tool for Performance Improvement in Pediatric Anesthesia
Anna M. Varughese M.D., MPH, C Dean Kurth M.D.
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
P3 - 11:20am - 11:30am
Lung Injury Related to One Lung Ventilation
Theroux MC, Lim D, Olivant A, Costarino A, Shaffer T, Miller T
Anesthesia and Critical Care, A.I. duPont Hospital for Children, Lung Center, Nemours Biomedical Research, Wilmington, DE & Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
P4 - 11:30am - 11:40am
Reducing controlled substance prescription writing errors to virtually zero ("six sigma") using a computer-based prescription writing program
BH Lee, KP Zimmer, M Miller, CU Lehmann, M Yaster
Departments of Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine and Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21287
P5 - 11:40 - 11:50am
Perioperative Simulation and Patient Safety Training in a Pediatric Hospital
Richard H. Blum, MD, MSE and Liana J. Kappus, MED
Department of Anesthesia, Perioperative and Pain Medicine and The Children's Hospital Boston Simulator Program, Children's Hospital, Boston, MA
P6 - 11:50am - 12:oon
Prenatal Intervention for Complicated Multiple Gestations: Anesthetic Implications for Maternal and Fetal Outcome
Yang K, Tran KM, Maxwell LG, Bebbington MW, Cohen DE, Johnson MP, Wilson RD, Howell LJ, Adzick NS
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
P7 - 12:00n - 12:10pm
JP Scott, S Staudt, D Siker, G Hoffman, N Farber
Medical College of Wisconsin
Group 2 - Moderator - C. Dean Kurth, MD, FAAP
P8 - 11:00am-11:10am
Neonatal Isoflurane Anesthesia Does Not Impair Neurocognitive Function And Behavior In The Same Mice In Adulthood
AW Loepke, G Istaphanous, E Albers, JC McCann, C Vorhees, SC Danzer
Departments of Anesthesia and Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH
P9 - 11:10am-11:20am
Metallothionein 1,2 Deficiency Worsens Outcome Following Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia
JJ McAuliffe, E Albers, C Vorhees
Cincinnati Children's Hospital and University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
P10 - 11:20am - 11:30am
Anesthesia for Cerebral Hemispherectomy in Infants and Young Children
SH Flack MD, CM Haberkern MD, JG Ojemann MD
University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA
P11 - 11:30am - 11:40am
The effect of isoflurane on the ontogenetic development of the GABAA alpha-2 subunit composition
EA Piehl1; S Rich2; VE Beckey1; L Wise-Faberowski1
University of Colorado at Denver Health Sciences Center1; Indiana University College of Medicine2
P12 - 11:40 - 11:50am
Minocycline Increases Injury But Reduces Gliosis Following Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia in Mice
JJ McAuliffe, B Joseph
Cincinnati Children's Hospital and University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
P13 - 11:50am - 12:oon
Effects of Maternal Anesthesia on Fetal Cardiovascular Physiology in Fetuses undergoing Fetal Myelomeningocele Repair
Nathan AT, Kurth D, Rychik J, Adzick S, Galinkin JL, Cohen DE
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia
P14 - 12:00n - 12:10pm
CTM Anderson, MD, FAAP, J Kuratani, MD, R Saneto, DO, PhD, H Karl, MD, D Kim, MD, L Helmers, MD
Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center
P15 - 12:10pm - 12:20pm
Use of Intraoperative MRI Limits Routine Postoperative MRIs in Pediatric Neurosurgical Patients
CD McClain (1), MR Proctor (2), ER Smith (2), SG Soriano (1), LC Goumnerova (2), MA Rockoff (1)
Departments of Anesthesiology (1) and Neurosurgery (2), Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Group 3 - Moderator - Susan R. Staudt, MD
P16 - 11:00am-11:10am
OO Nafiu, PI Reynolds, OA Bamgbade, KK Tremper, K. Welch and JZ Kasa-Vubu.
P17 - 11:10am-11:20am (YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD 1st PLACE)
Real Time Assessment of Perioperative Child and Adult Behaviors and Behavioral Interactions
Senthilkumar Sadhasivam MD, Anna Varughese MD, Joel Gunter MD, Alexandra Szabova MD, Dean Kurth MD, Paul Willging MD, Jillian Ellis BA, Lauren Hoke BA, Eileen Beckman RN, Crystal S. Lim MA, Todd Nick PhD and Lindsey Cohen PhD.
Dept of Anesthesia, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, USA.
P18 - 11:20am - 11:30am
The History and Evolution of Parent Presence during Complex Invasive Procedures and Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Resuscitations
R. Scott Dingeman, MD, Elizabeth A. Mitchell, BS, Elaine C. Meyer, RN, PhD., Martha A. Q
Curley, RN, PhD, FAAN
Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
P19 - 11:30am - 11:40am
Can Volume Controlled Ventilation Re-emerge in Pediatric Anesthesia?
PR Bachiller*#, JM McDonough§, and JM Feldman*
*Dept of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, §Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; #Dept of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Massachusetts General Hospital
P20 - 11:40 - 11:50am
PE Castro, DA Markakis
Cleveland Clinic, Children's hospital, Cleveland, OH
P21 - 11:50am - 12:oon
Perioperative Anesthetic Management of Delayed or Repeat Bladder Exstrophy Repair
S Kost-Byerly, Z Shiue, RI Mathews, JP Gearhart, M Yaster
The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD
P22 - 12:00n - 12:10pm
Use of the PAED Scale to Measure Emergence Delirium Following Sevoflurane Anesthesia in Children
K. Lalwani, I. Fonareva, and R. Fu,
Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon 97239, USA
Group 4 - Moderator - Zulifiqar Ahmed, MBBS, FAAP
P23 - 11:00am-11:10am
Evaluation of Ultrasound in Pediatric Radial Arterial Catheterization
A Ganesh, R Kaye, AM Cahill, W Stern, R Pachikara, MF Watcha
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
P24 - 11:10am-11:20am
Blood transfusion requirements in pediatric spinal deformity corrective surgery: Comparison of idiopathic and neuromuscular aetiologies.
JA. Grant, PhD, MD* J Luntley, MBBS, FRCA^ J Howard, MD, FRCSC* J Harder, MD, FRCSC* S Aleissa, MD* D Parsons, MD, FRCSC*
*Division of Orthopaedics, Dept. of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine; ^Division of Paediatric Anaesthesia, Dept. of Anaesthesia: University of Calgary & Alberta Children'sHospital
P25 - 11:20am - 11:30am
Lung Isolation in Infants using Bronchial Intubation Facilitated by Fluoroscopy
Dominika Motas, John McCloskey, John Archer, Alan Flake, David Cohen
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
P26 - 11:30am - 11:40am
Outpatient Pediatric Medical Acupuncture
Minh Q. Pham, MD; Rosalie Tassone, MD; Yuan-Chi Lin, MD, MPH
Department of Anesthesia, Perioperative and Pain Medicine; Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School
P27 - 11:40 - 11:50am
Hemodynamic Effects of Dexmedetomidine Sedation are Independent of Age in Children
Keira P. Mason, MD, Steven E. Zgleszewski, MD, Jennifer L. Dearden, MD,
Raymond S. Dumont, MD, Randy P. Prescilla, MD, David Zurakowski, PhD
Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
P28 - 11:50am - 12:oon
Aprotinin use in healthy ASA 1 and 2children undergoing Posterior Spinal Arthrodesis with Harrington rods for Idiopathic Scoliosis did not result in Renal Insufficiency or Failure...A Retrospective Review
S Hussain, M.D., H Al-Takrouri, M.D., MS Siddiqui, M.D., TW Martin, M.D., RE McCarthy, M.D., CD Pierce, PM Killbrew,
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and Arkansas Children's Hospital Little Rock Arkansas
P29 - 12:00n - 12:10pm
Placing an Arndt Endobronchial Blocker in Small Children for One Lung Ventilation
O Ghelber*, M Rabb*, P Szmuk§, SN Khalil*
*The University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Houston, TX, §University of Texas Southwestern Medical School & Anesthesia for Children at Children's Medical Center in Dallas, Dallas, TX
Group 5 - Moderator - Stephen R. Hays, MD, FAAP
P30 - 11:00am-11:10am
Pediatric Pain Management 2006 - An Interim Analysis of a National Survey of Pediatric Anesthesiologists
KL Nelson, M Yaster, M Corridore, S Kost-Byerly, RS Greenberg, EA Hunt, CL Monitto
Departments of Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine and Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21287
P31 - 11:10am-11:20am
Differences in Post-operative Analgesia between Hispanic and Caucasian Pediatric Patients
N Jimenez, JR Zavaleta, H Bradford, K Seidel, LD Martin, FP Rivara, AM Lynn
University of Washington, Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center, Seattle, Wa
P32 - 11:20am - 11:30am
A Comparison of Lumbar Epidural Morphine and Thoracic Epidural Ropivicaine for Acute Postoperative Pain Following the Nuss Procedure
SG Walker, TR Vetter, SC Whittaker, KL Arney, N Hamrick
Indiana University School of Medicine, Riley Hospital for Children, Indianapolis, IN
P33 - 11:30am - 11:40am
Use of a Continuous incisional infusion of either levobupivacaine 0.25% or bupivacaine 0.25% in pediatric patients undergoing median sternotomy.
Christopher F. Tirotta, MD, MBA, Richard G. Lagueruela, MD, Hamish M. Munro, MD, FRCA, Danielle Madril, MD, Donald Felix, MD, Jane Salvaggio, ARNP, Lynda Rusinowski, ARNP, Cristi Tyler, ARNP, Milagros Tablante, ARNP, Marilyn Torres, Pharm D, Ingrid Gonzalez, MSN, Robert Hannan, MD, Redmond P. Burke, MD
Congenital Heart Institute of Miami Children's Hospital and Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children
P34 - 11:40 - 11:50am
Feasibility, Efficacy and Safety of Inpatient and Outpatient Continuous Peripheral Nerve Blocks for Postoperative Analgesia in Children
A Ganesh, L Wells, TJ Ganley LG Maxwell, JB Rose, G Cucchiaro
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
P35 - 11:50am - 12:oon
Children with frequent hospitalizations for SCD vaso-occlusion: How are they different?
WT Zempsky, MD1, KA Loiselle, BS1, GL Blake1, JN Hagstrom, MD1, NL Schechter, MD1, and ZN Kain, MD, MBA2
(1)Department of Pediatrics, Connecticut Children's Medical Center, Hartford, CT (2) Department of Anesthesiology, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Group 6 - Moderator - Eugenie S. Heitmiller, MD, FAAP
P36 - 11:00am-11:10am
Association of Postoperative Hyperglycemia with Mediastinitis following Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
A.F. Ghafoori, M.D. Twite, R.H. Friesen
Department of Anesthesiology, The Children's Hospital and University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado
P37 - 11:10am-11:20am (YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD 2nd PLACE)
Exhaled nitric oxide levels are decreased in children with cyanotic congenital heart disease and correlate with the inflammatory response to cardiopulmonary bypass
MD Twite, Z Pan, D Parker, RH Friesen
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and The Children's Hospital, Denver
P38 - 11:20am - 11:30am
Correlation of Abdominal NIRS Oximetry with Gastric Tonometry: Measurement of Splanchnic Oxygenation in Neonates and Infants with Congenital Heart Disease.
J Kaufman, RH Friesen, MC Almodovar, J Zuk
Children's Hospital and University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado
P39 - 11:30am - 11:40am
Complications in children undergoing cardiac catheterization with general anesthesia
G.D. Williams, K. Kamra, M.G. Boltz, G.B. Hammer, C. Kuan, C. Ramamoorthy
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, Stanford University School of Medicine, California
P40 - 11:40 - 11:50am
Use of Subcutaneous Scopolamine in Pediatric Patients at High Risk for PONV. A Report of 4 Cases.
J.A. Tolley
Indiana University Department of Anesthesiology, Pediatric Anesthesia Section, Riley Children's Hospital, Indianapolis, IN
P41 - 11:50am - 12:oon
Children With Heart Disease: Adverse Events During General Anesthesia
J Anderson, C Ramamoorthy, MG Boltz, K Kamra, C Kuan, GB Hammer, GD Williams
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA
P42 - 12:00n - 12:10pm
Anesthetic Management of Low Birth Weight Infants Undergoing Open-Heart surgery: A Retrospective Study
G.D. Williams, G.M. Boltz, K. Kamra, C. Kuan, G.B. Hammer, V.M Reddy, C. Ramamoorthy
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California
Group 7 - Moderator - Nancy Setzer-Saade, MD
P43 - 11:00am-11:10am
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Difficult Intubation Registry
Dennis C. Tong, Ronald S. Litman
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
P44 - 11:10am-11:20am
Evaluation of a New Noninvasive, Thoracic Bioimpedance Monitor for Hemodynamic Monitoring in Pediatric Patients
GR Haynes, J Ringewald
Medical University of South Carolina
P45 - 11:20am - 11:30am
Morphologic changes in the pediatric epiglottis: An Age-based comparison in normal children using video-bronchoscopy
PG Dalal1, A Feng2, D Molter3, A Messner4, J McAllister5, D Murray5
1 Anesthesiology, Penn State Hershey Medical Center, PA, USA; 2 Anesthesiology, Kaiser Foundation Hospital, Oakland, CA; 3 Otolaryngology and 5 Anesthesiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO; 4 Otolaryngology, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, Stanford University Medical Center, CA
P46 - 11:30am - 11:40am
A pediatric comparative study of the Ambu-LMA versus the classic-LMA: Ease of insertion and Seal Pressure
Kristine Faust, CRNA, Celia D'Errico DO, Terri Voepel-Lewis RN, Constance Burke RN, Vincent Zuellig CRNA
University of Michigan, Mott Hospital, Ann Arbor, Michigan
P47 - 11:40 - 11:50am
The use of the CTrach Laryngeal Mask AirwayTM in Pediatric Patients
Maurtua MA, M.D., Mounir L, M.D., Youseff G, M.D., Lozano S, M.D., Rosen K, M.D.,
Markakis D, M.D., Kalhan S, M.D., Sung W, M.D., Doyle J, M.D. PhD., DeBoer G, M.D., Niezgoda J, M.D.
Department of pediatric Anesthesiology Cleveland Clinic Foundation
P48 - 11:50am - 12:oon
Monitoring ProSeal(tm) Laryngeal Mask Airway Intracuff Pressures using a Simple Aneroid Gauge
Patrick N. Olomu, MD, FRCA, Joseph R. Furman, MD and Kim R. Koster, MD
Methodist Children's Hospital, San Antonio, TX
P49 - 12:00n - 12:10pm
Criteria For Tracheal Extubation Of Pediatric Liver Transplant Patients In The Operating Room
ME Fox, FM Karrer, MD Walsh, RJ Hendrickson
The Children's Hospital, Denver, Colorado and The University of Colorado Hospital
P50 - 12:10pm - 12:20pm
Herodotos Ellinas, MD and Tatyana Strong, MD
Medical College of Wisconsin, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Group 8 - Moderator - Samuel David Yanofsky, MD, MSEd
P51 - 11:00am-11:10am
Psoas Compartment Catheters for Perioperative Pain Management in Children
Kathleen Larkin MD, Sean Flack MD, Laurilyn Helmers MD, Adrian Bosenberg MD
University of Washington Medical Center & University of Cape Town, South Africa
P52 - 11:10am-11:20am
Development of a Testing Program to Evaluate Anesthesiology Residency Applicants and Record Their Progress during Clinical Residency Training.
Alexander S. Matveevskii, MD, PhD, Lisa Merlo, PhD
University of Florida College of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, Gainesville, Florida
P53 - 11:20am - 11:30am
Assessing the Adequacy of Post-Operative Analgesia in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Ureteroneocystostomy - A Retrospective Review
Gatha N, Ehlers M, Kogan B
Albany Medical Center, Albany, NY
P54 - 11:30am - 11:40am
Acupuncture for Low Back Pain in the Pediatric Patient
Rosalie Tassone, MD and Yuan-Chi Lin, MD, MPH
Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School
P55 - 11:40 - 11:50am
Our three year experience with robot- assisted laparoscopic surgery
Anna Maria Onisei MD, Jesus Apuya MD, Denisa Haret MD, Shailesh Shah MD
Arkansas Children's Hospital, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas
P56 - 11:50am - 12:oon
Safety and Efficacy of Single Dose Epidural Morphine in Neonates and Infants
K. Johnson, C. Seefelder
Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Children's Hospital, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
P57 - 12:00n - 12:10pm
Pediatric Endotracheal Tubes Revisited
AJ Hayman, DB Waisel
Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA USA
P58 - 12:10pm - 12:20pm
Congenital Hypotonic Syndrome with Persistently Elevated CPK: Anesthetic Concerns
Dixit D, Theroux M, Brown M, Mackenzie W, Costarino A
Dept of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, and Dept of Orthopedics, A.I duPont Children's Hosptial, Wilmington, DE
Group 9 - Moderator - Sabine Kost-Byerly, MD
P59 - 11:00am-11:10am
Parent/Nurse Controlled Analgesia or Patient Controlled Analgesia by Proxy: An Interim Analysis of a National Survey
KL Nelson, M Yaster, M Corridore, S Kost-Byerly, RS Greenberg, EA Hunt, CL Monitto
Departments of Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine and Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21287
P60 - 11:10am-11:20am
The Role of Massage Therapy in Management of Chronic Pain In Children: A Pilot Analysis
S.Suresh MD, D.Belvis MD, S. Porfyris RN, R. Kamasinski, S.Wang PhD
Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology and the Judith Nan Joy Integrative Medicine Initiative, Children's Memorial Hospital, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
P61 - 11:20am - 11:30am
Relationship of nerve stimulation current threshold to success of nerve block for post-operative analgesia
Harshad Gurnaney, Arjunan Ganesh, Giovanni Cuchiarro.
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
P62 - PULLED BY AUTHOR 2/10/2007
P63 - 11:40 - 11:50am
Regional nerve blockade for pediatric surgery: Summary of our experience at Children's Hospital Boston
Krista Johnson, MD, Mamta Thukral MD, and Navil Sethna MD
Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School, Boston,, Massachusetts
P64 - 11:50am - 12:oon
A Case Series of Patients Undergoing Posterior Spinal Fusion Who Had Placement of an Elastomeric Pain Relief System with Lidocaine for Postoperative Analgesia
TR Vetter, SJ Walker, KL Arney
Riley Hospital for Children, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
P65 - 12:00n - 12:10pm
The impact of clonidine and fentanyl added to caudal bupivacaine on peri-operative hemodynamic parameters and analgesic requirements in pediatric patients.
Lisa Banta MD, Roman Schumann MD and Aykut Bilge MD
Tufts-New England Medical Center, Floating Hospital for Children, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA
Group 10 - Moderator - Jeffrey L. Koh, MD
P66 - 11:00am-11:10am
Use of a handheld video game to reduce pediatric pre-operative anxiety: Effect on emergence agitation and post-operative pain
A. Patel, MD, M.C.J. Tran MD, T. Schieble, MD, MBA, H Bennett PhD
New Jersey Medical School, University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ.
P67 - 11:10am-11:20am
Delayed Inhalation Induction? Comparing the Rate of Rise of Inspired Sevoflurane in an Older (Narkomed 2B) and a New Generation (Dräger Apollo() Anesthesia Machine.
D Filsinger, P Kovatsis, C Seefelder
Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
P68 - 11:20am - 11:30am
The World War II Anesthesiology Roots of Intraosseous Vascular Access.
Shantanu Srinivasan MD, David B Waisel MD
Childrens Hospital, Boston
P69 - 11:30am - 11:40am
Assessment of Perioperative Child and Adult Behaviors and Behavioral Interactions
Senthilkumar Sadhasivam MD, Anna Varughese MD, Joel Gunter MD, Alexandra Szabova MD, Dean Kurth MD, Paul Willging MD, Jillian Ellis BA, Lauren Hoke BA, Eileen Beckman RN, Crystal S. Lim MA, Todd Nick PhD and Lindsey Cohen PhD.
Dept of Anesthesia, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, USA.
P70 - 11:40 - 11:50am
Zulfiqar Ahmed, M.D., Lori Stricker M.D., Arlene Rozzelle, M.D., Steven Ham, D.O., Claudine Hoppen C.R.N.A. and Maria M. Zestos, M.D.
Children's Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, MI
P71 - 11:50am - 12:oon
Pediatric Spinal Surgery in the USA: Analyses of Peri-operative Outcomes
Senthilkumar Sadhasivam MD
Dept of Anesthesia, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, USA.
P72 - 12:00n - 12:10pm
Behavioural Reactions following Ketamine Anaesthesia in Paediatric Patients: A Prospective Audit Examining the Effects of Midazolam and Propofol
PG Dalal1, D Taylor2, N Somerville2, N Seth2
1 Anesthesiology, Penn State Hershey Medical Center, PA 17033, USA; 2 Anesthetics, Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
P73 - 12:10pm - 12:20pm
Asif Malik1, Zulfiqar Ahmed2, Sharon Marshal2, Janet Poulik2, Maria Zestos2
1Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, 2Children's Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, MI
Group 11 - Moderator - Richard M. Dsida, MD
P74 - 11:00am-11:10am
Rapid Recovery and Discharge of Ambulatory Pediatric Patients from the PACU
TE Cox MD, GE Hirshberg MD, DC Helfrich RN, MSN, CPNP, BA Hankamer RN, BSN, CAPN
St. Louis Children's Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 63110
P75 - 11:10am-11:20am
Pediatric Oncology Procedures: Sedation versus General Anesthesia
Rob Baker, MD, Catherine Cho, BS, Sina Shah, MS, Kathleen A. Harris, MD, Rosetta Chiavacci RN, BSN, Anne Kazak, PhD, Richard Aplenc, MD, Anne Reilly, MD, and Scott D. Cook-Sather, MD
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine and the Division of Oncology and Cancer Research, Department of Pediatrics; University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
P76 - 11:20am - 11:30am
Computerized Anesthesia Information Management System (AIMS) initiated Quality Assurance (QA) Program aids to simplify the process.
Mohamed Rehman, M.D., John McCloskey, M.D., Donald Tyler, M.D.
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
P77 - 11:30am - 11:40am
Office-Based Minor General Surgical Procedures Using a Pediatric Sedation Service Model.
K. Lalwani, J. Braukman, and I. Fonareva,
Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon 97239, USA
P78 - 11:40 - 11:50am
Parental Satisfaction with the Pediatric Sedation Service Following Procedural Sedation
V.K. Lew, K. Lalwani, T. Palermo
Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR
P79 - 11:50am - 12:oon
Review of postoperative nausea and vomiting in pediatric patients
AK Reddy, MA Ehlers
Albany Medical Center, Albany, NY
P80 - 12:00n - 12:10pm
One in Ten Million: Fatalities Involving MRI
YF Bryan, TA Taghon, LK Hoke
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
P81 - 12:10pm - 12:20pm
Off the Radar, But Still on the Screen: MRI Fatalities Reported in Non-Medical Literature
LK Hoke, TA Taghon, YF Bryan
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH and Columbus Children's Hospital, Columbus, OH
Group 12 - Moderator - Joel B. Gunter, MD
P82 - 11:00am-11:10am
Prevalence of Obesity in Children Presenting For Ambulatory Surgery in an Urban Children's Hospital.
Olutoyin Olutoye M.D., Michael McGilberry R.N, Mehernoor Watcha M.D.
Departments of Anesthesiology & Pediatrics, Texas Children's Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas.
P83 - 11:10am-11:20am
Inactivation of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction results in acute increase in extravascular lung water measurement by PiCCO in canine acute lung injury
CT Lancaster, RB Easley, JW Custer, A Fernandez-Bustamante, DG Mulreany, BA Simo
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland
P84 - 11:20am - 11:30am
The association of age and increased Body Mass Index among Olmsted County children undergoing (adeno) tonsillectomy for sleep disordered breathing.
DT Haile M.D., LJ Orvidas M.D., A Weaver M.S., X Li M,S., and RP Flick M.D., M.P.H.
Mayo College of Medicine
P85 - 11:30am - 11:40am
Does Using LMA Instead of an Endotracheal Tube Affect the Incidence of Postoperative Vomiting in Children Undergoing Strabismus Corrections?
SN Khalil, JG Carbajal, R Perera, VV Datla, O Ghelber, D Maposa, AZ Chuang
The University of Texas Medical School, Houston, TX
P86 - 11:40 - 11:50am
General Anesthesia without Endotracheal Intubation for Prone Craniospinal Radiation Therapy in Children
P Ranganathan, Z Shiue, D Schwengel, S Kost-Byerly
The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD
P87 - 11:50am - 12:oon
Anesthesia and Perioperative Care for Patients with Metachromatic Leukodystrophy
JJ Mooney, CB Berde
Children's Hospital, Boston and Harvard Medical School
P88 - 12:00n - 12:10pm
Pediatric Emergence Delirium with Ketamine: A Current and Comprehensive Literature Review
HT Nguyen, MCJ Tran, A Patel
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, NJ
P89 - PULLED BY AUTHOR 2/15/2007
Group 13 - Moderator - Robert T. Wilder, MD, PhD
P90 - 11:00am-11:10am
Children with SCD vaso-occlusion: Risk factors for extended hospitalization
WT Zempsky, MD1, KA Loiselle, BS1, GL Blake1, JN Hagstrom, MD1, NL Schechter, MD1, and ZN Kain, MD, MBA2
(1) Department of Pediatrics, Connecticut Children's Medical Center, Hartford, CT (2) Department of Anesthesiology, Yale University, New Haven, CT
P91 - 11:10am-11:20am
Epidural morphine post selective posterior rhizotomy: a retrospective review
Witthaya Loetwiriyakul, Chantal Frigon, Annik Otis, Jean-Pierre Farmer, Teresa Valois
Montreal Children's Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
P92 - 11:20am - 11:30am
Relationship of anesthetic factors and evoked potential changes during spinal fusion surgery
Gurnaney HG, Mohamed R, Dormans JP, Schwartz D, Watcha MF
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
P93 - PULLED BY AUTHOR 2/12/2007
P94 - 11:40 - 11:50am
Epidural Steroid Injections for Radiculopathy +/- Back Pain in Children and Adolescents: Pilot Study of Safety and Short-Term Outcomes and Description of Techniques
CB Berde, MJ Stein, JA Mooney, PA d'Hemecourt, DJ Hedequist, MR Proctor
Children's Hospital, Boston and Harvard Medical School
P95 - 11:50am - 12:oon
A Case Series: Complex regional pain syndrome 1 and migraines in children
Kim-Phuong T. Nguyen, Diana Lebron, Nancy L. Glass
Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, TX
Dexmedetomidine and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Zelin S, Lozano SP
Cleveland Clinic, Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology, Cleveland, OH
A Case Report: Acquired Factor V inhibition after bovine thrombin exposure in a pediatric cardiac patient - the anesthetic implications.
Kim-Phuong Nguyen1, Laura Torres1, Carlos Campos1, Robert Dauser2, Donald Mahoney
Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children's Hospital, Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology1,Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery2, Department of Hematology/Oncology3, Houston, TX
Right Lung Volvulus after Tracheoesophageal Fistula Repair
Noah Bunker, MD; Karina Fuentes, MD; R. Scott Dingeman, MD
Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Emergent post-partum atrial septostomy for unanticipated PFO closure following in-utero balloon aortic valvuloplasty for HLHS
DG Mann, DH Berkowitz, J Rychik, JJ Rome
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
Using NIRS (Near-Infrared Spectroscopy) when Systemic Blood Pressure Monitoring is not Possible; Repair of Long Segment Coarctation of the Aorta in a Neonate (Case Presentation)
SP Taylor, RF Berens
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin
Extraluminal Endobronchial Blocker to Isolation Lung in 2 Month-Old
EG Vazquez, DS Briggs, O Ghelber, SN Khalil
The University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Houston, TX
Adult Patients with Congenital Diseases: Where Shall They Go? A Dilemma for Patients and Doctors.
PM Meier, MR Proctor, GF Rogers, LR Ferrari
Affiliation(s): Departments of Anesthesiology, Neurosurgery and Plastic Surgery, Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115
Dexmedetomidine for deep brain stimulator placement in two children with generalized dystonia
J.P. Cata, M.D., M. Martirena, M.D., M. A. Maurtua, M.D., M. Lotto, M.D., Z. Ebrahim, M.D., W. Sung, M.D., J. Niezgoda, M.D., A. Schubert, M.D., MBA
Department of Anesthesiology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio.
Hyperkalemia in a Pediatric Patient with Anuric Hydronephrosis
M. Shukry, J. Cure, J. Santoro, A. Seshachar, M. Rafique, and A.J. de Armendi
Oklahoma University Health Science Center, Oklahoma City, OK
Anesthesia for Total Resection of Giant Cranial Oral Facial Teratoma in a Newborn
Ingrid Fitz-James, Eric Villafane , Johanna Schwarzenberger
The Morgan Stanley's Children's' Hospital of New York, Columbia University of New York
Congenital Catecholamine Deficiency: Anesthetic Management of a Patient with Aromatic L-amino Acid Decarboxylase Deficiency (ALAAD)
David Clendenin, MD, Christian Seefelder, MD, Richard Blum, MD
Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Anesthetic Management for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in a Patient with Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
C Tung, N Okada, A Casta, C Lillehei
Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Isolated Ventricular Septal Defect Following Blunt Chest Trauma
Shah, SR, Apuya, JS, Ullah, S., Sangari, T, Gautam, N
Arkansas Children's Hospital/University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Ectopia Cordis anesthetic considerations a case report.
Javier Joglar, MD. Isis del Rio, MD. Jenny Dolan, MD. Douglas Miller, MD. Elliot Rosenkranz, MD.
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Miami, Miami, FL 33136
Unusual presentation of a long- standing radiolucent esophageal foreign body
Shailesh Shah, Senthil Gopalakrishnan, Anna Maria Onisei, Taranjit Sangari
Arkansas Children's Hospital
Calcineurin Inhibitor Toxicity as a Cause of Post-Operative Respiratory Arrest
Jennifer Dagen, Jeffrey Galinkin, Peter Fuhr
The Children's Hospital, Denver, Colorado
Case Report: Cervical Myelomeningocele (cMMC) in an 8 month old infant
RL da Graca, MCJ Tran, ML Davidson
University of Medicine and Dentistry School of Medicine, Newark, New Jersey
Loss of Transcranial Electric Motor Evoked Potentials during Pediatric Spine Surgery with Dexmedetomidine
Mohamed Mahmoud, MD, Senthilkumar Sadhasivam, MD, Anthony K. Sestokas, Ph.D, Paul Samuels, MD, John McAuliffe, MD
Department of Anesthesiology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, USA.
Persistent Femoral Neuropathy Following a Fascia Iliaca Block
JL Meyers,* NLGlass,* RP Farran**
*Department of Pediatric Anesthesiology, Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, Texas
**Department of Anesthesia, Alberta Children's Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Acupuncture for the Management of Post-Dural Puncture Headache
Yuan-Chi Lin, MD, MPH
Medical Acupuncture Service, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperatvie and Pain Medicine; Children's Hospital Boston; Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
The Use of ECMO During Total Lung Lavage in a Patient with Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis: A Case report
Mueller, CM Oermann, RS Vax, NL Glass, CJ Campos
Affiliation(s): Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, TX
Telemedicine Consultation and Monitoring for Pediatric Liver Transplant
Mohamed Rehman, MD, John Fiadjoe,MD, Harshad Gurnaney, MD, kanchi Muralidhar, MD, Surya Mohanty, MD, John Kumar, MD, Raja Viswanath, MD, Srinivas Sonar, MD, Steve Dunn, MD
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Narayana Hrudayalaya Institute of Medical Sciences
Anesthetic management of a child with neonatal Marfan syndrome
Tatiana Kubacki MD, Scott Streater MD, Johanna Schwarzenberger MD, David Roye MD, Thomas Starc MD, Stephanie Levasseur, Andrei Constantinescu MD, Lena Sun MD
Children's Hospital of New York, Department of Anesthesiology and Orthopedic surgery, Columbia University, New York, New York
Perioperative Management of an Infant for Resection of a Neuroblastoma Symptomatic from Massive Catecholamine Secretion.
MR Hernandez, C Seefelder, RC Shamberger.
Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative, and Pain Medicine, and Department of Surgery. Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Acute Pancreatitis in a Four Year Old Following a Sixty Minute Propofol Infusion
PJ Tan, GN Youssef, JJ Niezgoda
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
Malignant Hyperthermia Episode During Tethered Cord Release In A 4 Year Old Child
TW Kim, C Lemelle
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas
Anesthetic management of double chamber right ventricle repair for a patient with Pierre Robin syndrome
Koichi Yuki, Alfonso Casta
Department of anesthesiology, perioperative and pain medicine Children Hospital Boston
Anesthesia for a 14 year old Patient with untreated Tricuspid Atresia, scheduled for coil embolization of a cerebral aneurysm. A case report.
Jenny Dolan, MD, Michael Rossi, MD, Norman Halliday, MD, Douglas Miller, MD.
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Miami, Miami, FL 33136.
Induction of Supraventricular Tachycardia by Intraoperative Transesophageal Echocardiography
Alfonso Casta, MD, Koichi Yuki, MD
Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Subdural spread of contrast after epidural catheter placement
Andreas H. Taenzer, MD, FAAP and Cantwell Clark V, MD, MS
Dartmouth Medical School
Case Report: Dexmedetomidine for smooth emergence after cochlear implant
JM McGee, L Georges
UNC Hospitals, Chapel Hill, NC
Primary Caudal Anesthesia in an Ex-Premature infant with Unrepaired Large Omphalocele and RDS undergoing Bilateral Inguinal Hernia Repair and Circumcision using Ropivacaine and Clonidin
Case Report
A.Bhandari, MD. M.Wolowick, MD
Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL
Hemorrhagic Pancreatitis Following Short- term Propofol Infusion in a Fifteen Year Old with Acute Fulminant Hepatic Failure (FHF)
G Gaskin, V Hupertz, J Niezgoda
The Children's Hospital at the Cleveland Clinic
Anesthesia management in a violent and uncooperative Autistic Patient
Shailesh Shah, Senthil Gopalakrishnan, Jesus Apuya, Taranjit Sangari, Suresh Thomas
Arkansas Children's Hospital
Continuous Epidural Analgesia for a pediatric patient in Neurologic Crises who carries a Diagnosis of Hepatorrenal tyrosinemia (HT1)
Jacqueline C Drummond-Lewis MD, Corrie Anderson, MD, FAAP
Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center.
Hah J MD, Rubin LP MD, Kyllonen K Pharm D
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
Regional Anesthesia for Sacrococcygeal Teratoma Resection in Newborns? Use of Single Dose Epidural as a Perioperative Anesthesia
Diane Hankes, Christian Seefelder, Terry Buchmiller
Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Undiagnosed late onset central hypoventilation syndrome: Perioperative challenges and Anesthetic Implications
Mohamed Mahmoud, MD, Yuvan Bryan, MD, Senthilkumar Sadhasivam, MD
Department of Anesthesiology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, USA.
Cardiovascular Collapse in an Infant Undergoing Sevoflurane Induction
R. Rubio, I. Florentino-Pineda
Medical College of Georgia and Children's Medical Center, Augusta, GA
Management of a Patient with Positive Pregnancy Testing after Therapeutic Abortion
Sharon Lopes Redd, MD and Richard H. Blum, MD, MSE
Children's Hospital, Boston
Use of Metoprolol as an Adjuvant for Perioperative Pain Management in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
I. Florentino-Pineda, B. Barton, A. Qadeer
Medical College of Georgia and Children's Medical Center, Augusta, GA
Anesthetic Management of a Neonate with Atrioventricular Canal for Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication
TS Sangari, ML Schmitz, WB Watkins, SR Shah, LM Zabala, S Ullah
Arkansas Children's Hospital & the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Delayed diagnosis of bilateral pneumothoraces after a difficult tracheostomy in a 6 week-old with CHARGE syndrome
Elena Bafani MD, James A DiNardo MD
Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School
Post-intubation Tension Pneumothorax in a Neonate: A Case Report
UR Parekh, PG Dalal
Department of Anesthesiology, Penn State Milton Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA17033
A Perioperative strategy for the placement of a thoracic epidural in a pediatric patient on high dose enoxaprin.
EH Jooste MBChB, TM Chalifoux MD
University of Pittsburgh Department of Anesthesiology, Children's Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Changes in Motor Evoked Potentials during an Anterior Spinal Fusion for a Thoracolumbar Idiopathic Scoliosis
RE Karroum,GN Youssef, LM Soliman
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
Anesthetic management of scoliosis surgery in an adolescent with undiagnosed subclinical distal neuropathy interfering with neurophysiologic monitoring and neuromuscular blockade
Vaclav Hrdlicka, MD, Manon Hache, MD
Department of Anesthesiology, St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Ctr., New York, NY; Department of Anesthesiology, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Ctr., New York, NY
Case report of prolonged emergence after the use of ketamine as premedication and potential explanation
Chinn, LW, MD, Tran, MCJ, MD, Schieble, T, MD, Yuki, K, MD, Quaine, J, MD
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ, and Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, MA
Yet, Another Cause of Iatrogenic Stridor?
Seshachar, J. Cure, J. Santoro, M. Rafique, M. Shukry and A.J. de Armendi
Oklahoma University Health Science Center, Oklahoma City, OK
Metoprolol for the Prevention of Emergence Delirium after Sevoflurane Anesthesia in Children
I. Florentino-Pineda, B. Barton, A. Qadeer
Medical College of Georgia and Children's Medical Center, Augusta, GA
Emergent Excision of a Massive Prenatally Diagnosed Sacrococcygeal Teratoma in a Newborn
KM Tran, AW Flake, LG Maxwell, MA Rehman
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
PHACES Syndrome and anesthesia management for sternal cleft repair: A case report
Pramod Pabbathi, DO and Nancy Setzer-Saade, MD
Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center and University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Anesthesia in an infant with congenital lobar emphysema (CLE)
Jesus Apuya, MD and Shailesh Shah, MD
Arkansas Children's Hospital
Anesthetic management of left ventricle non-compaction
Koichi Yuki, Avinash Shukla, Francis X. McGowan, Jr
Department of anesthesiology, perioperative and pain medicine Children Hospital Boston
Favorable Recovery Following Prolonged Intraoperative Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in a Pediatric Patient
NS Hagerman, MB Robinson
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Airway management using tube exchanger during laryngeal cleft repair on cardiopulmonary bypass
Koichi Yuki, James DiNardo
Department of anesthesiology, perioperative and pain medicine Childrens Hospital Boston
Anesthetic management of a neonate with metatropic dwarfism and severe C-spine instability
S. Gopalakrishnan, S. Shah, T.S. Sangari, T. W. Martin
Department of Pediatric Anesthesia, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR
Anesthetic Implications of Pallister-Hall Syndrome
T McGowen, P Kovatsis
Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard School of Medicine, Boston, MA
Effects of Thyroxine Release during a Total Thyroidectomy
D.Haret, A.Moore, and S.Thomas
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR Arkansas Children's Hospital, Little Rock, AR
Postdural Puncture Meningitis
CD Glover. S Shetty. S Bidani
Texas Childrens Hospital Houston Tx
Acute-recurrent subcutaneous emphysema after ventriculopleural shunt placement
Denisa Haret, MD Anna Maria Onisei, MD
University of Arkansas for medical Sciences, Arkansas Children`s Hospital
Refractory status epilepticus: Anesthetic management of a pediatric patient.
TS Sangari, SR Shah, S Gopalakrishnan, LM Zabala
Arkansas Children's Hospital & the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR
Management of a Patient with Active Herpes Labialis Infection Undergoing Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Revision
Ryan Schellpfeffer, MD. Fellow in Pediatric Anesthesiology. Rita Agarwal, MD, FAAP. Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
The Children's Hospital, Denver & University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Early Separation of Thoraco-Omphalopagus Conjoined Twins: An Exercise in Preoperative Planning and Preparation
K. Lalwani, V. Swanson, J. L. Koh, A. Zimmerman, J. Stoner, and D. Woodward.
Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon 97239, USA
Fontan Physiology, Posterior Spinal Fusion & ?-Aminocaproic Acid
LA Aronson, J Tomasson
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
A Novel Approach to Nasotracheal Intubation in Pediatric Patients with Prior Palate or Pharyngeal surgery.
Matthew D. Cohen, Zulfiqar Ahmed, Maria Zestos, Joseph Hildebrand
Department of Anesthesia, Children's Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, MI
Cephalohematoma after Cardiopulmonary Bypass
TS Sangari, ML Schmitz, SC Faulkner, LM Zabala, S Ullah, WB Watkins, CE Johnson, M Imamura, RDB Jaquiss
Arkansas Children's Hospital & the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Difficult Anesthetics for Neonates with Chiari II Malformation
Seshachar, J. Cure, M. Rafique, M. Shukry, J. Santoro, and A.J. de Armendi
Oklahoma University Health Science Center, Oklahoma City, OK