
Comparing the efficacy of print versus media based patient education materials in OnQ peripheral nerve catheter education for caregivers

1Parikh H, 2Mandler T, 1Albright J, 3Gagliardi A
1University of Colorado, Aurora, CO, USA; 2University of Colorado - Children's Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO, USA; 3Children's Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO, USA

Purpose The purpose of this study is to verify the efficacy of patient-education materials (PEM), determine whether print-based PEMs or media-based PEMs are more efficacious in providing caregiver education, and assess caregiver preference for one PEM mode over another.

Methods This prospective, randomized study includes caregivers of pediatric patients undergoing ACL Reconstruction surgery performed by a single sports medicine orthopedic surgeon at Children’s Hospital Colorado. Subjects were assigned to review either a handout (print-based PEM) or a three-minute video (media-based PEM) on the OnQ peripheral nerve catheter, a device used to control postoperative pain. Both PEMs contain exactly the same information regarding OnQ catheter management and removal. The caregiver subsequently completed a standardized assessment of their knowledge in managing the catheter at home and a survey 24 hours postoperatively to assess caregiver satisfaction and preference with the assigned PEM.

Results Standardized assessment results indicate an average of 9.2 and 9.6 (out of 10) for caregivers in the print-based and media-based groups, respectively. Preliminary results show 76% of caregivers (22/29) preferred the media-based PEM in initial education. We are continuing data collection and expect to include upwards of thirty patients within the next two months.

Conclusion Preliminary data suggests no apparent difference in efficacy between the media-based PEM and the print-based PEM. However, these preliminary results suggest that media-based PEMs may result in better caregiver satisfaction, as 76% stated that the video PEM was more helpful to them in understanding how to managing their child’s OnQ peripheral nerve catheter at home.

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