#include ../../../includes/wp-spa-header.iphtml #include ./includes/abstract_header.iphtml \&first_page, 'Submit' => \&submit_page, ); $Current_Screen = $main::cgi->param("Submit") || "Default"; die "No screen for $Current_Screen" unless $States{$Current_Screen}; # if ($Current_Screen eq "Submit") { # ($complete, $foo) = check_required(1, "c_"); # print "
"; # } # if (!$complete) { # $Current_Screen = "Default"; # } while (my($screen_name, $function) = each %States) { $function->($screen_name eq $Current_Screen); } # lprint "INCOMPLETE = $incomplete
\n"; # &first_page($incomplete, $incomplete); sub first_page { # if ($Current_Screen eq "Default") { my $active = shift; return unless $active; $email_problem = shift; # print "BEGIN FIRST_PAGE
\n"; foreach (keys %errors) { # print $_ . " ==> " . $errors{$_} . "
\n"; $errors{$_} = 0; } if ($main::cgi->param('Submit') eq "Submit") { ($complete, $foo) = check_required(1, "c_"); } my $complete2 = 1; if ($main::cgi->param('c_email') ne $main::cgi->param('c_email2')) { $complete2 = 0; } # my $r_error = 0; # $r_error = shift; # my %required_errors = %{$r_error}; !>

In order to submit abstracts online you must have a login ID.

If you already have a login ID, but have forgotten your password please visit the Lost Password Page

To obtain a login ID please fill out the following information.

Your login ID will be the email address you enter into this form.

Fields in RED are required"; } if ($email_problem) { print "This email address is already in the system.
If you have forgotten your password please go to the Lost Password Page If you have not yet confirmed your registration please go to the Confirmation Page" } !> C=$complete"; print mkTable("primary_contacts", 1); } else { print mkTable("primary_contacts"); } # Build table institutions # print mkTable("institutions"); # Build table departments # print mkTable("departments"); # Build table addresses # print mkTable("addresses"); !>
param('c_email')) && ($main::cgi->param("Submit") eq "Submit"))) { print "Email"; } else { print "Email"; } !> (You must have a valid email address. Please make sure you type your address correctly)
Confirm Email:

Please note that the Primary Contact is the only person who will receive communications regarding the abstract status. BEGIN SUBMIT_PAGE
\n"; # foreach ($main::cgi->param) { # print $_ . "==>" . $main::cgi->param($_) . "
\n"; # } # my $complete=1; # check required fields my ($complete, $foo) = check_required(1, "c_"); if ($main::cgi->param('c_email') ne $main::cgi->param('c_email2')) { $complete = 0; print "

Please type your email address the same both times

"; } # my $foo; # my ($complete, %required_errors) = check_required(1, "c_", \%errors); # print "FOO from Check_Required:
\n$foo"; # foreach (keys %required_errors) { # # print $_ . " ==> " . $required_errors->{$_} . "
\n"; # print $_ . " ==> " . $required_errors{$_} . "
\n"; # } # $complete=0; # $errors{"c_fname"} = "1"; if (!$complete) { first_page(1); return; } # check for duplicate username first my $SQL = "SELECT COUNT(username) FROM primary_contacts WHERE username = \"" . $main::cgi->param("c_email") . "\""; # print "SQL=" . $SQL; my $cursor = $main::dbh->prepare($SQL); my $connum = time(); $cursor->execute; my $count = $cursor->fetchrow; $cursor->finish; # $count=1; if ($count > 0) { # $email_problem = 1; first_page(1,1); return; } # insert data into the primary_contacts table my $table = "primary_contacts"; my $values = ") VALUES ("; $SQL="INSERT INTO $table("; foreach ($main::cgi->param) { next if (($_ eq "Submit") || ($_ =~ m/c_email/)); my $field_name = $_; my $prefix = $table_prefix{$table}; $values .= $main::dbh->quote($main::cgi->param($field_name)) . ", "; $field_name =~ s/$prefix//; $SQL .= "$field_name, "; } $SQL .= "username, conID" . $values . $main::dbh->quote($main::cgi->param("c_email")) . ", \"$connum\")"; # print "SQL=$SQL
\n"; my $cursor = $main::dbh->prepare($SQL); $cursor->execute; my $affected = $cursor->rows; $cursor->finish; # print "

AFFECTED=$affected"; if ($affected == 1) { !> Login ID Created! param('c_email'); my $sender = $society . "_abstracts\@societyhq.com"; #my $bcc = "leonard\@societyhq.com, gwen\@societyhq.com"; now defined in abstract_header my $subject = uc($society) . " Online Abstract Registration"; my $URL = $ENV{"SCRIPT_SRC_URL"}; my $script = $ENV{"SCRIPT_SRC_URL_FILE"}; $URL =~ s/$script//; $URL .= "confirm.iphtml"; my $confirmURL = $URL . "?conID=" . $connum . "&email=" .$main::cgi->escape($email); my $IP = $ENV{"REMOTE_ADDR"}; # print "


"; # foreach (%ENV) { # print $_ . " ==> " . $ENV{$_} . "
"; # } open (MAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t") or die "can't fork sendmail: $!"; print MAIL < Thank you.

You must now confirm your registration. An email has been sent to with further instructions. ERRORLogin ID NOT Created. Please contact $society\@societyhq.com"; } !> #include ./includes/abstract_footer.iphtml #include ../../../includes/wp-spa-footer.iphtml